搜索 Wharton

  • 两个亚裔喜剧人杨伯文(《SNL》)和Joel Kim Booster(《大哥大姐没出息》)将主演同志题材爱情喜剧片《火岛》(Fire Island)。该片把《傲慢与偏见》做现代新编,讲述两个好友一起去纽约长岛著名的同志世外桃源“火岛”度过一周假期,陪伴他们的是便宜的葡萄酒和一群不拘一格的朋友。探照灯影业和JAX Media(《轮回派对》)等出品,安德鲁·安(《…
  • 影片故事讲述当莎拉(莎拉·沃顿饰)向女友求婚时,她发现自己的期望和伴侣对未来的期望完全不一样,而这让两人踏上探索婚姻是什麽的道路。
  • 整个电影围绕着毒品,黑色幽默简直登峰造极.将毒品这个敏感的话题阐述得轻松可笑。片中很多细节都很好笑,为了偷运大麻,他们把大嘛做成车子,后来不小心点着了一点,警察追上来查看,不知不觉吸入燃着后的烟竟忘了职责,然后一路上的人都"飞"了.
  • That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the "gayes…