搜索 Seymann

  • 《星际劫难》总耗资超过6000万美金,电影将《星球大战》的恢弘景象再现眼前,影片运用了最新的技术,成功地表达了以往电脑所难以表达的人类面部表情、生命的真实感,赋予电脑CG动画全新境界片中人物每个表情、每个动作,都要动用成百上千的CG画面整合而成。更值得一提的是该剧的视觉效果,影片中大场面枪战镜头及格斗场面也给人异常震撼的声效感…
  • Self-described trans racial activist Rachel Dolezal ignited an unprecedented media storm when a local news station in Spokane, WA outed her as a white woman who had been living as the black president of the NAACP. Since the controversy erupted, director Laura Brownson and team exclusively filmed with Rachel, her sons a…