搜索 Magdayao

  • How come people who go there are never seen again? Does the villa "eat" people alive? The movie tells the story of Ana who has always been having nightmares about certain people getting killed3e of Madre Na Aswang. Things become scarier when her ex-boyfriend brings her to Villa Estrella where she meets a girl…
  • 20世纪70年代末期,一支由军队控制的民兵团体控制了菲律宾丛林中的一个遥远村庄。士兵们身着制服,手握机关枪,在村子里散布肉体和精神上的恐惧。他们使得村中邻里之间反目为敌,并试图根除村民们对传说和神灵的信仰。勇敢的年轻医生洛雷娜为贫苦人家开设了诊所,却随后消失不见。她的丈夫雨果·海尼威是一名诗人、社会运动家和老师,打算去寻找…