搜索 Horinyak

  • 时尚的餐厅大都市“莫奈”红红火火。正是在这里,维克和马克西姆要庆祝期待已久的婚礼。但计划有变,当餐厅是规定会谈俄罗斯和法国的总统!餐厅队惨败,被迫进入“流亡”-在巴黎举行。有厨师用马克斯面临危险的竞争对手:厨师-与近亲,和马克西姆-与一个英俊的尼古拉斯,谁转过头比维克起泡酒香槟更好!而这还不是他的“全城热恋”中的所有挑战…
  • Ivan Naydenov, is transferred from Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. This world is inhabited by the characters of Russian fairy tales and magic. The hero comes at the very center of the battle between light and dark forces and everyone believes that it is up to him to put an end to the war.