搜索 Gonçalves

  • January 1945. The first French regiment of paratroopers to fight with an American unit to liberate Alsace in France. An Allied Division must take the forest bordering the town of Jebsheim, several days before the attack that would later be called the French Stalingrad. Prisoners of the cold, snow, and harsh winter cond…
  • 父亲与儿子长年生活在同一屋檐下,仿佛与世隔绝般沉浸在他们自己的世界中,被回忆和日常仪式所填满。有时他们看起来就像兄弟,有时甚至像一对恋人。儿子亚力克斯走上了一条和父亲一样的道路,进入了军校。他喜欢体育运动,还有了女朋友。但是情人之间却总有点隔阂,女友似乎在暗暗嫉妒亚力克斯与父亲的亲密关系。尽管亚力克斯心里明白所有的儿子…
  • 特遣部队
  • 夏日女孩