搜索 Fenech

  • Paul Fenech终于将他自编自导自演的风靡整个澳洲的恶俗讽刺的电视系列喜剧Pizza and Swift and Shift Couriers搬上大银幕。这个饱受争议的系列剧描绘了发生在在Sunnyvale郊区虚构的住房委员会的公租房里的荒诞不经的故...
  • 年轻漂亮的模特珍妮佛兰斯伯里和她的朋友玛丽莲里奇高飞住进以前有女房客被残忍杀害的豪华高层公寓。珍妮佛被神秘杀手盯上。嫌疑人包括同性恋邻居,一个古怪的老妇人和她的儿子,患有严重的血液恐怖症的英俊的建筑师。
  • A telegram has just arrived ant the Persichette home in Italy. It seems that their late grandfather's second wife, Maria Juana, is traveling from Venezuela to Italy to visit her stepson and two grandchildren. The youngest of the boys is given the task of picking up grandma at the airport. Expecting an aged widow, he is…
  • 一位连败的扑克玩家遇到了一位美丽的年轻女子。他被她吸引了,但她似乎对她的男朋友很满意,一个有点笨拙的作家。赌徒的想法是,如果他能让这个女人上床睡觉,这将改变他在赌博中的运气 一个连续输球的扑克玩家遇到了一个美丽的年轻女子。他被她吸引了,但她似乎对她的男朋友...
  •   When Giacomo DAmato is released from jail he is immediately employed by Magda, in a plot to secure her the heritage of the count. But there are other players in this game too, and Giacomo has his own agenda.