搜索 Dohn

  •   《绑架》描写了在美国特务组织的指使下,捷克斯洛伐克人民的叛徒劫持了一架民航客机降落在西德机场,美军占领当局用尽一切卑鄙无耻的手段,企图强迫飞机中的乘客留在西德,藉此对人民民主国家进行诬陷,制造国际紧张局势,但是被绑架到西德的捷克斯洛伐克公民们,虽然经历不同,职业不同,却都一致地热烈和平,热烈自己的国家,因此他们坚决…
  • 还留下什么
    After the loss of her family, a young woman struggles to survive in a world long-since destroyed by disease; but when a lonely traveler offers her a place in his community, she must decide if the promise of a better life is worth the risk of trusting him.
  • After the loss of her family, a young woman struggles to survive in a world long-since destroyed by disease; but when a lonely traveler offers her a place in his community, she must decide if the promise of a better life is worth the risk of trusting him.