搜索 Bloomfield

  • Six months before his wedding, Shawn is suddenly filled with doubt. Maybe it was the family wedding, maybe it was his friends, maybe all it took was the beautiful girl in white. Before he knows it, casual glances turn into something more. His fiancé, Amy, knows things aren't right, but Shawn isn't talking, that is, unt…
  • 故事发生在1860年左右,经过鸦片战争沉重打击后灾难深重的中国.英国奸商林赛男爵为了牟取暴利,与腐败的清朝总督冯周勾结,大肆向中国走私鸦片. 正直的英国总督爱德华子爵试图阻止他们的犯罪行为,却被林赛男爵和冯周秘密杀害....