搜索 Aamir

  • 虎尾
    《摘金奇缘》后,好莱坞继续开发亚洲相关影视:在英国演戏的四川妹子李坤珏(《浴血黑帮》《开膛街》)将出演Netflix电影《虎尾》(Tigertail,也是美国一个地点),马志(《降临》)已加盟。故事来自《无为大师》联合主创杨维榕,他的父母来自台湾,该片讲述台湾移民到 美国的两代人历程和内心联结:一个叫Grover的男子在台湾出生长大,童年艰难的他…
  • 情牵一线
    7.7/10 705 votes Bachelor Rahul Malhotra (Aamir Khan) has just heard the news of the tragic passing of his sister and brother-in-law, through their lawyer (Tiku Talsania). He has inherited their business; two sons and a daughter. He finds the business in chaos under the "Japanese" trained Manager, Bhagwati Pr…