搜索 阿里·卡兹米

  • 塔利班残酷统治下的阿富汗,平民百姓尤其是女性过着水深火热犹如地狱一般的生活。倔强的小女孩帕瓦娜(莎拉·乔德利 Saara Chaudry 配音)随父亲(Ali Rizvi Badshah 配音)外出挣钱养家,不仅目睹了父亲被昔日的学生辱骂羞辱,更和家人目击了父亲遭到非法逮捕的一幕。家中有病弱的母亲、成年的姐姐以及嗷嗷待哺的弟弟,年幼的帕瓦娜只能剪去秀…
  • 滑稽小子
    An adaptation of Shyam Selvadurai's 1994 novel Funny Boy, the film centres on the coming of age of Arjie Chelvaratnam, a young Tamil boy in Sri Lanka who is coming to terms with his homosexuality against the backdrop of the increased tensions between Tamil and Sinhalese people before the breakout of the Sri Lankan Civi…