搜索 Tyler

  • 该剧描述五个陌生人被困扰鸦林镇多年的神秘诅咒联系在一起,他们必须详细调查小镇的历史并阻止悲剧事件继续发生。主人公Miranda是一位活跃果敢、拥有个人魅力的17岁少女,在收养家庭长大,个性独立,充满自信,但她的生活并不容易。她用智慧来掩盖情感伤疤。如果你能让这位强硬的女孩对你敞开心扉,你将得到一个一生忠诚的朋友。Abel是一位17…
  • 闯荡好莱坞失败的演员里根·皮尔斯为工作在去往路易斯安那州的一个小镇什里夫波特路上,被歹徒绑架至一个沼泽地附近的小屋,歹徒折磨并威胁他用推特账户发布并上传妥协博文,他改如何逃脱困境?
  • 《发明家》讲述了不久前在美国矽谷引发热议的年轻女创业家伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯的故事,她用个人魅力以及众多支持者的影响力,成功吸金成立生物科技公司Theranos,理念是打造一项革命性的血验技术,只轻戳手指尖取得几滴血就可进行测试。最后却被揭穿是个骗局,霍尔姆斯已经半上市的发明产品从未经过验证核可。 《发明家》跟随者着福尔摩斯从发迹…
  • HBO购得梦龙乐队纪录片《信仰者》(Believer,同名单曲大热)的电视播放权,将于圣丹斯电影节首映,暑期播出,汉斯·季默担任配乐师。该片聚焦主唱丹·雷诺兹,他对过去十年里犹他州的摩门教会如何对待LGBTQ群体,以及耶稣基督末世圣徒教会实行的本质上避开同性婚姻因素的政策、让青少年自杀率飙升的现象展开调查,而圣丹斯的举办地正是在犹他州的…
  • In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an h…
  • 艾丽丝·菲娅、杰克哈特和秀兰·邓波儿一起在这动人的音乐片中献技出演。富有的连续剧制片商只知埋首工作,经常忽略了女儿芭芭拉。一次偶然的机会,芭芭拉参加了电台的演出,并在另一家连续剧中试演成功,一跃成为电台明星。
  • 高音
    Best friends Cliff and Otis plan to get rich quick by stealing from some of the most dangerous foes in the business: drug dealers. Going against the plan, the two spend the night partying, allowing the molikan.com audience to see that, in a certain light, the bad guys werent really all that bad to begin with. Simply pu…
  • 在意外射杀了房东之后,四个小伙伴的假期打猎之行开始脱离正常轨道,变得恐怖,透著彻骨的寒冷...
  • When Ryan mysteriously inherits a house from his biological father, a man he thought long dead, he and his pregnant fiancé travel to the property with high hopes for the future. But curiosity about his deceased father leads Ryan to uncover…
  • After witnessing a shocking crime that left both of her parents dead, New York City teenager Jo (a breakout performance by Ana Villafae) is put into the Witness Protection Program and sent to live in rural Montana. She is allowed no cell phone, email, or contact with her family and former friends. Worst of all, she’s b…