搜索 Steenstrup

  • 新品种少女学。女孩艾玛有点色,色情电话来谈心,老板到老友,男女都可以,异想世界中通通恋上我的床,直到白马王子咚咚来,一个「擦枪走火」,从此引发好姊妹之间战火。当整个小镇与我为敌。身体乍萌的战慄与微微的迷惑。女孩之间转瞬变脸合纵连横的複杂关系,清新又坦荡,越要爱越要作。追忆起那些汤汤水水的甜蜜事儿。青春微色,微涩。少女情…
  • Lykke (13), the daughter of a prominent Labour Party politician, has accidentally beaten her classmate Jamie, the son of a local right wing-politician, to death. Lykke claims Jamies death was an accident, but nobody believes her. The schools principal, Liv, is an idealist who, against her political beliefs, has been li…