搜索 Shammi

  • 生来就继承了一家婚姻介绍所的曼苏克简直衰爆了。从他长大成年、懂事儿那天起,他便努力尝试帮助父亲强棒克经营家族事业。但所有经他戳和的准夫妻,婚前必然分手。为了向父亲证明他的价值,他接手了一单不同寻常的挑战——为当地黑帮大佬T.T.大哥那位从小被溺爱的淘气女儿茵杜物色一门亲事,让她嫁给旁遮普一个名叫柒贰·辛格的警察(也就是我们…
  • The Kapoors are a wealthy family. There is grandpa Kapoor; Grandma Kapoor; their son Kailashnath Kapoor, and his daughter Ashi. As Ashi has come of age, the Kapoors are now on the look-out for a suitable groom. They meet with the Malhotras, as Mr. Malhotra has been a childhood friend of Kailashnath, and his wife. Their…