搜索 Pauline

  • 充滿潛力的網球好手喬納斯面臨了課業與愛情上的難題,離婚多年的父母親不聞不問,使他轉而求助年紀大上他兩輪的皮耶、迪迪及娜塔莉。這三個熱心的帥哥辣姐,除了不吝給予經濟上的援助,積極輔導喬納斯通過學校補考之外,更大方提供喬納斯各種戀愛經驗,其中包括獨特的性愛體驗…這個收穫滿載的熱情仲夏,成為喬納斯成長的轉捩點,他可以決定自己…
  • An abandoned seaside resort. The shooting for a fantasy film about the end of an era wraps up. Two women, both members of the film crew, one an actress, the other a director, Apocalypse and Joy, are on the verge of concluding their love affair.
  • Orphaned and crippled, Heavens daughter Annie is whisked off to Farthinggale Manor by Tony Tatterton. She pines for her lost family, especially her beloved cousin/half-brother Luke. Without the warm glow of his love, shes lost in the shadows of despair and forced in to submission by Nurse Broadfield. When Annie discove…
  • 魔法保姆[原声版]
    赫兹克家人总是生活在忙碌中,托马斯和苏珊娜整天忙个不停,只好经常拜托别人照顾孩子们当一个特殊的保姆到来后,孩子们才发现她没那么好打发。梅奇塞尔德,不仅年轻优雅,会功夫,还会讲古老的中国故事。一天梅奇塞尔德终于吐露了指引她来到赫兹克家的秘密:她是为一个音乐盒而来,托马斯从中国带回来的古老纪念品。  很久以前,一位中国王子…