搜索 Nora

  • Blind Spot centres on a mother as she struggles to understand her teenage daughters crisis, when tragedy strikes the whole family.
  • Numa Tempesta is a fascinating, charismatic, businessman at the top of his game. Driven by a ruthless, relentless need to succeed, Numa will stop at nothing to close a deal even if it means bending the law. Thats until the law catches up to him and to avoid prison, Numa is sentenced to a year of community service in a …
  • In a small village on top of the mountains, Maia Zenasi, a rowdy and solitary 16-year-old tomboy, is the only girl on the local hockey team and her life, on and off the ice-rink, is tough. When Vanessa, the beautiful and dazed girlfriend of the team captain, runs away from home and hide in Maia’s family lodge, Maia ope…
  • Voyeuristic documentary series about titillatingsexual and erotic experiences.
  • 教授格雷迪(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)曾经被尊称为“奇迹小子”,因为他7年前出版的小说如此优秀,在文坛上轰动一时。这表面看来是一件好事,却让格雷迪背上了沉重的思想包袱,他害怕自己的新作品落差太大,于是一直把它压在箱底,不敢发表。如今,妻子已经离他而去,他有一个情人萨拉(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances M…
  • 汤姆(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)是一名内心怀揣着远大理想的剧作家,而乔治(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)则是一位名不见经传的小小画家,两人同为文艺界人士,在巴黎合租了一幢公寓。一次偶然中,汤姆和乔治邂逅了名为吉尔达(米利亚姆·霍普金斯 Miriam Hopkins 饰)的女子,两人同时被吉尔达与众不同的魅力所深深吸引,坠入了情网…
  • 《欲望之城》是一部现代的贾洛恐怖电影,讲述了一个孤独的年轻女子开始了一段不太可能的恋情,并带来了可怕的后果。阿丽亚娜是一个年轻的女人,她搬到城市是为了逃避郊区的家庭生活。她是一名美容师,现在有甲醛中毒的早期症状。新来的城市又寂寞,她伸出手去找一个女性行接线员。他们同意见面,很快就开始了不稳定的关系。工作上的争吵导致阿丽…
  • 1812战争中,英国已经解雇了华盛顿,希望占领新奥尔良,那里的海盗简·拉菲特恋情blueblooded人头马安妮特公开出售他在海盗市场的战利品。但他从不攻击美国军舰。可英国贿赂拉菲特帮助他们呢?能说服美国当局拉菲特他的忠诚吗?将一个安妮特之间的三角恋和漂亮的德国女孩格雷琴(一个海盗名幸存者)带来拉菲特的毁灭?
  • While cleaning offices at night, Zsolt Kovàcs learns a lot about his invisible employers by examining what they leave behind, carefully choosing his targets, often disillusioned women whom he seduces, methodically taking their money. An ar…
  •   自1985年开始,大批科学家涌向偏远的富产珍珠的卡特哈克岛,在此进行各种试验研究。直到1988年,致命流感在世界范围内蔓延,为了拯救人类,科学家们召集一群志愿者在卡特哈克岛进行转基因疫苗的试验。他们将一种寄生虫注入人类体内以增强体质,试验虽然初见成效,但大多数参与试验的人员都死于非命。   杰米·阿克曼(Mircea Monro…