搜索 Kostomarov

  • 一种未知的病毒将莫斯科变成了一座死亡之城。没有电,钱失去了所有价值,那些没有被感染的人正在拼命地争夺食物和燃料。主角谢尔盖(Sergei)和他所爱的女人以及她患有自闭症的儿子住在城外。那里还是安全的。尽管如此,他还是跑到莫斯科去救他的前妻和他们的儿子,尽管她恨谢尔盖。这些人,从来没有想过他们会再回到同一个屋檐下,他们不得不把过…
  • An unknown virus turns Moscow into a city of the dead. There is no electricity, money has lost all value and those who are still not infected, are desperately fighting for food and fuel. The main character, Sergei, lives outside the city with the woman he loves and her autistic son. Its still safe there. In spite of th…