搜索 Iván

  • 在电影中,障碍是现实与梦想之间的界限,和谐与幸福的模式。精致、美丽、敏感的Dorotea和稳重的中年作曲家Antoni偶然相遇。他给她提供住处。著名的作曲家被年轻的多萝西娅迷住了:一个漂亮的,脸皮厚的,但却很古怪的女孩。安东尼见证了一系列奇怪而奇妙的事件。
  • 主人公阿廖沙(高尔基的剧中的名字)1871年到1884年的生活。这段时期他为了生活,靠与外祖母一起摘野果出去卖糊口,他当过绘图师的学徒,在一艘船上干过洗碗工,还做过圣像作坊徒工。在人生的道路上,他历尽坎坷,与社会底层形形色色的人们打交道,但他一有机会就阅读大量的书籍。生活的阅历和大量的阅读扩展了阿廖沙的视野,他决心“要做一个坚…
  • Set against the background of a broken U.S. immigration system, En Algun Lugar is a love story between two young men, Abel & Diego. When tragedy strikes and Diegos immigration status is revealed, Abel and Diego discover the power of love during uncertain times.
  • ◆ 俄罗斯历史上最大投资的新型战争影片、藉以恢复其战争影片生产强国地位的重点影片。壮烈再现二战最后的大反击中最为悲壮惨烈的“高加索平原”大血战。 ◆ 俄罗斯ZF投四亿巨资全力支持!俄罗斯ZF动用了两个师的军队5000名军人,300百辆坦克,200架飞机参与拍摄,倾国力投入巨资,最大还原了发生在高加索的大战役。该片一举夺得俄罗斯奥斯卡金…
  • 1960年代后期是披头士乐队和滚石乐队的时代,是性革命的时代。这些事件在保加利亚英语学习学校也有反响。学校秩序引起了学生们对心胸狭窄的老师的抗议。乔吉·朱格利戈罗夫( major @ bitex,com )撰写
  • 大卫的摇滚明星哥哥死于服药过量,这件事给了大卫非常大的打击,使他从此变得意志消沉大卫的父母无奈之下,将其送去了青少年行为管制所,希望他能有所转变。然而那里就像是一个人间地狱,虐待成性的长官与随从让大卫非常不适应。直到有一天,大卫遇见了乔纳森——几年前死于管制所的同屋人,事情终于开始有所转变……
  •   These four characters, together with an accident, came to the screen of the intersection of their lives Kadir Adalis Collide was not actually we were, our fates wherever you go, no matter how much you run, ultimately everyone returns, th…
  • During a break on a rooftop Teco the baker witnesses the intriguing fall of a strange bird. He decides to venture closer for a better look. This is only the beginning of a most inconceivable journey on the labyrinthine rooftops of Rome.
  • This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. And here she finds not only a great opportunity for her career, but also a new love with another girl, Anna. They two are very different: one poor, the other one is rich, one of them writes music and sings, the other…