搜索 Errickson

  • 设定在1999年,以伪纪录片形式,聚焦那些看似普通、欢乐的家庭录像带中发现的可怕事件和“鬼影”。
  • 疯狂医生
    Dr Daniel Jekyll researching into drugs that would help mankind avoid surgery discovers a white powder that unleashes the animal in every man, and in his case turning him from a shy and timid doctor into a wild sex crazed party animal. To the delight and dismay of both his rich fiancée and stripper girlfriend.This movi…
  • 洛杉矶警探乔瑟夫是个标准败类,嗑药嗑得比谁都勤快,调查命案不忘顺手牵羊,更枉顾家中妻小,专搞迷人可爱的阻街女郎。 一宗幼童谋杀案现场,乔瑟夫捡回一只受过诅咒的奇异盒子,打开后怪事不断一桩接一桩:昨夜搞上的妓女意外身亡,他瞬间成为头号嫌疑犯;一连串似幻似真的恐怖体验更不断尾随,无脸怪人四处追杀人群,《养鬼吃人》系列当家猛…