搜索 Caro

  • 英勇少年
    该影片基于Marilyn Bell(Caroline Dhavernas饰演)的真实故事改编Marilyn Bell当时16岁,是一名游泳健将,她正尝试成为第一个游泳横渡安大略湖的人。但当时美国还有位顶级游泳选手Florence Chadwick,与她一同在这场特殊的游泳马拉松中竞争第一。因为Florence Chadwick身经百战,所以大部分人都认为她会获取最终的胜利。但出乎意料的是,由…
  • The Gateway Meat is a disturbing and sadistic film, that strays far from the normal conventions of the horror genre. It is about a group of Satanists, living in a quaint, coastal fishing town. As the film progresses we get to know the character played by DeCaro himself, Markus. The film is mainly about how Markus strug…
  • The Room
    Matt and Kate buy an isolated house. While moving, they discover a strange room that grants them an unlimited number of material wishes. But, since Kate has had two miscarriages, what they miss the most is a child.
  • 小宽宽
    小昆昆放暑假,三五成群消磨着野性時光,村上卻發現牛屍,內藏斬件人體,兩個傻偵探來查,再驚爆無頭女屍,傻探抓狂:我們不是來做哲學思考啊!傻探其實面懵心精,但線索一條條斷了,揭出更陰暗的,之後三凶案,一人竟給豬吃掉,疑雲愈積愈厚。小昆昆像看小說追看凶案,也繼續他的小惡作劇。法國頭號作者杜蒙(《魔非魔》,36 屆)首拍喜劇(原…